Hollon Oil Company

Fuels & Lubricants Since 1946

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Hollon Oil Company      Employee Handbook


When operating requirements or other needs cannot be met during regular working hours, employees may be scheduled to work overtime hours. When possible, advance notification of these mandatory assignments will be provided. All overtime work must receive the supervisor's prior authorization. Overtime assignments will be distributed as equitably as practical to all employees qualified to perform the required work.

Overtime compensation is paid to all nonexempt employees in accordance with federal and state wage and hour restrictions. Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. Time off on sick leave, vacation leave, or any leave of absence will not be considered hours worked for purposes of performing overtime calculations.

Employees who work overtime without receiving prior authorization from the supervisor may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination of employment.

Policy No.  507      Applicable  10/31/07

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